– Iterative measurement on trimmed and hemmed edges – Feature extraction groups for flexible part inspection – Insert macro scripts, opening up unlimited process customizationpossibilities. – Create conditional blocks of operations – Easily add guidance messages and images – Trigger CMM-specific operations, such as moving the probe head toa specific location or changing the orientation of a measurementtool – Configure the order of measurement operations – Review measured object geometry controls and reports, ormultipiece inspection results through the built-in SPCfunctionality.

– Connect to a non-contact or a contact-based portable metrologydevice, or to a CNC CMM controller (from Hexagon, Mitutoyo, Nikon,Pantec, Wenzel, and I++ servers), to play the measurementsequence – Specify geometry controls on measurement objects and prepareinspection reports – Define a measurement plan without being physically connected to aspecific measurement device Here are some key features of “PolyWorks”: This flexibilityallows our customers to successfully develop and deploy automaticinspection processes or guided operator-driven workflows foreffective shop floor operations. Withits fully customizable user interface and powerful, user-friendlymacro programming language, PolyWorks offers the most adaptablesoftware solution on the 3D metrology market. Interfacing directly with major brands and technologies ofsingle-point and point cloud 3D measurement devices through plug-inextension modules, this universal platform also supports a widearray of native point cloud and polygonal model file formats.

From partand tool design and prototyping down to final inspection ofassembled products, PolyWorks offers advanced solutions to coverthe complete product development cycle.
Defining the cutting edge of 3D metrology, thePolyWorks software suite maximizes productivity,quality, and profitability when integrating 3D measurementtechnologies into an industrial manufacturing process.